Sunday 6 October 2013

Linear Algebra

Linear Algebra- It includes the theory and applications of linear systems of equations, linear transformations and eigen value problems.

Matrix- Matrix is known as rectangular arrays of numbers. They are useful because they enable us to consider an array of many numbers as a single object and help us to perform calculations with these single object in a very compact form. 'A mathematical 'Shorthand'.

Order of a matrix- (m×n) matrix : m- rows and n- columns.

Square matrix- If m = n, then A is n×n square matrix.

Diagonal(main)/ principal diagonal- The diagonal containing a11, a22, … , ann.

Rectangular matrix- A matrix which is not square is known as rectangular matrix.

Vectors- Row vector : matrix having one row (1×n)

                Column vector : matrix having one column (m×1)

Transposition- Interchanging row and columns. If A is m×n matrix [aij] then transpose of A, Ais  n×m matrix [aji].

Symmetric matrix- A square matrix : AT = A.

Skew-Symmetric matrix- A square matrix : AT = -A.

Equality of matrix- Two matrices A = [aij] and B = [bij] are equal. i.e., A = B


  1.  They are of same order.
  2. The corresponding entries are equal, aij = bij i, j
Matrix addition- The addition of two matrices
A = [aij] and B = [bij] is A + B,
  1. They are of same order.
  2. A + B = [aij bij], i.e., additing corresponding entries.
Scalar multiplication- The product of any matrix A = [aij] by a scalar c is cA = c[aij] = [caij], i.e., multiplying each by c.

Zero matrix- A matrix with all entries Zero is called Zero matrix.

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