Wednesday 9 October 2013

Linear Diophantine Equations

A linear equation ax + by = c, with ≠ o,  o and c integers is called a linear Diophantine equation in two unknown x and y.

Solution of linear Diophantine equation: A pair of integers x0, yis called a solution of ax + by = c if ax0 + by0 = c.

  1. Let ≠ o,  o and c be any three integers and d = (a, b). The linear Diophantine equation ax + by = c has a solution iff d/c.
  2. If x0, yis any particular solution of ax + by = c then any other solution of this equation is x' = x0 - (b/d)t, y' = y+ (a/d)t, t being any integer.
  3. The Diophantine equation y2 = x3 + k has no solution if k has the form k = (4n - 1)- 4m2, where m and n are integers such that no prime ≡ -1 (mod 4) divides m.

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