Friday 11 October 2013

Cyclic Permutation

Cyclic Permutation: A permutation f on a set S is called a cyclic permutation of length l if 
x1, x2, … , xi ∈ S such that f(x1) = x2 f(x2) = x3, ... ,  f(xi-1) = xi f(xi) = x1 
and f(x) = x ∀ ∈ S if  x1, x2, … , xi
We write it as (x1 x2 … xi-1 xi).
Here the image of each element in the row is the next element and the image of the last of the last element is the first element.

Even Permutation: Even permutations are expressible as a product of an even number of transpositions. Application of an even permutation preserves the parity of an arbitrary list.

Odd Permutation: Odd permutations are expressible as a product of an odd number of transpositions. Application of an odd permutation preserves the parity of an arbitrary list.

Theorem 1: A cyclic permutation of n symbols has order n.
Proof: The corollary follows from 
                                  Φn(bi) = bn + i = b,
since all subscripts are taken modulo n, and since for
k < n, Φk(bi) = bk + i = bn + i . 
By definition, a cyclic permutation leaves unchanged elements that are not contained in it.
For example, (143).2 = 2. Call two permutations disjoint if they have no elements in common. then the composition of two disjoint cyclic permutations is symmetric.
For example,
                  (04) ∘ (132) = (132) ∘ (04)
                  (04) ∘ (132).3 = (04).2 = 2

Theorem 2: Any permutation can be written as a composition of disjoint cycles.
Proof: Let Φ be the permutation of a set S.
For element b of S,
                              Φ= (Φ.b  Φ2.b  . . .  Φord.b-1.b)
is a cyclic permutation.
Construct the set S:
                             C = {b | b ∈ S : Φb}
Each element of S appears in exactly one cyclic permutation of C, since cyclic permutations are considered equal up to rotation of the elements.
(for example, (123) = (231)).
Thus, if Φn.b = d, then ΦΦ.
Construct the composition of the cyclic permutation in C - the order does not matter, since they are pairwise disjoint. this construction yields the desired result.
For example, the identity permutation on the set {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} is a product of five cyclic permutations of order 
1 : (0) . (1) . (2) . (3) . (4) . (5).

Theorem 3: The order of any permutation is the least common multiple of the lengths of its disjoint cycles.
Proof: Let Φ = γ· . . . · γk  be a permutation, where the γare disjoint cyclic permutations.
Since the composition of two disjoint cyclic permutations is symmetric,
                  Φγ1n · . . . · γkn ,
for all integers n.
Therefore Φ= I (where I is the identity permutation) iff for every i, 1  ≤ k, γin  is the identity transformation.
By theorem 1, Φ= I iff n is a common multiple of the lengths of the γi.

Fact:  A transposition changes the parity of an arbitrary list from odd to even or from even to odd.

We must show that a transposition changes the number of inversions of the list from odd to even or even to odd.
Let m and n be the two distinct numbers that are interchanged;
In other words, the transposition is (m n).
Let L be the arbitrary list.
there are a certain number ≥ 0 of integers that lie between m and n in the list L.
The transposition (m n) can be achieved by a succession of leaps.

  1. The integer m leaps over each of the k intervening integers between m and n. Each leap changes the parity of the list because it increases or decreases the total number of inversions by 1.
  2. The integers m and n are now adjacent, Interchange them, thereby changing the parity once again.
  3. the integer n leaps over the k intervening integers - the same as traversed by m in step 1 but in the opposite direction.
Since there are as many parity changes in the step 3 as in step 1, the total number of parity changes is odd, confirming the assertion of the proportion.    

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