Sunday 20 October 2013

Centre of a group

The Centre of a group G is denoted by Z(G) or C(G) or Z and is defined as
             Z = C(G) = Z(G) = {g ∈ G | gx = xg, ∈ G}.
The centre of a subgroup of G, which by definition is abelian (i.e., commutative). As a subgroup, it is always normal, and indeed characteristic, but it need not be fully characteristic. The quotient group G/Z(G) is isomorphic to the group of inner automorphisms of G.
A group G is abelian if and only if Z(G) = G. At the other extreme, a group is said to be centerless if Z(G) is trivial, 

i.e., consists only of the identity element.
The elements of the centre are sometimes called central.


  • The centre of an abelian group G is all of G.
  • The centre of a non-abelian simple group is trivial.
  • The centre of the dihedral group Dis trivial when n is odd. When n is even, the centre consists of the identity element together with the 180 degree rotation of the polygon.
  • The centre of the quaternion group Q= {1, -1, i, -i, j, -j, k, -k} is {1, -1}.
  • The centre of the symmetric group Sis trivial for n ≥ 3.
  • The centre of the alternating group Ais trivial for n ≥ 4.
  • The centre of the orthogonal group O(n, F) is {In, -In}.
  • The centre of the multiplicative group of non-zero quaternions is the multiplicative group of non-zero real numbers.
  • The quotient group G/Z(G) is not isomorphic to the quaternion group Q8.

Theorem: The centre Z(G) of a group G is a subgroup of G.

Proof: Let Z(G) = {∈ G | gx = xg, ∀ ∈ G} be the centre of a group G.

Clearly Z(G) ⊆ G.
Since ex = xe, ∀ ∈ G
∈ Z(G).
Z(G) is a non-empty subset of G.
Let gg∈ Z(G) be any two elements, then
           g1x = xg1       and   g2x = xg,   ∀ ∈ G
⇒       xg2-1 = g2-1x.
Now, x(gg2-1) = (xg1) g2-1= (g1x)g2-1
                           = g(xg2-1) = g(g2-1x)
                           = (gg2-1)x
i.e.,   x(gg2-1)  =  (gg2-1)x,      ∀ ∈ G
So, gg2-1 ∈ Z(G),      ∀ gg∈ Z(G).
Hence, Z(G) is a subgroup of G.

Theorem: G is abelian group iff Z(G) = G.

Proof: Firstly, let Z(G) = G

i.e., Z (G) = {g ∈ G | gx = xg, ∀ ∈ G} = G
⇒   xy = yx,         ∀ x, y ∈ G
⇒ G is an abelian group.

Conversely: Let G be abelian.

⇒   xy = yx,         ∀ x, y ∈ G.
To show that Z(G) = G.
Since Z(G) is a subgroup of G
∴ Z(G) ⊆ G
Now, let ∈ G be any element
∵ G is abelian
∴ xy = yx,          y ∈ G.
⇒ ∈ Z(G)
⊆ Z(G)
Hence Z(G) = G.

Theorem: Let G be a group, then Z(G) ≤ G. 
Moreover, G/Z(G) ≅ Inn(G) ≤ Aut(G) (where Inn(G) is the set of inner automorphism).
Proof: We know that Φ : G → Aut(G) : g  ig is a homomorphism.
Note that 
                ker Φ = {g ∈ G : i= idG}
                           = {g ∈ G : g-1hg = h for all h ∈ G}
                           = {g ∈ G : hg = gh for all h ∈ G}
                           = Z(G)
from where the conclusion follows from our earlier characterization of normality. 
the fact that  G/Z(G) ≅ Inn(G) now follows immediately from the First Isomorphism Theorem.

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