Linear system of m equations in n unknowns x1, x2, …, xn is the set of equations
a11x1 + a12x2 + … + a1nxn = b1
a21x1 + a22x2 + … + a2nxn = b2
am1x1 + am2x2 + … + amnxn = bm
here aij are called coefficients(which are given numbers)
Rank of Matrix: Linear Independence and Dependence
Let a̅1, a̅2, ..., a̅m are m- vectors, then
Linear combination of m-vectors:
c1a̅1 + c2a̅2 + … + cma̅m = ∑cia̅i ∀ i= 1, 2,..., m
where, c1, c2, ..., cm are any scalars.
Linearly independent vectors- If ∑cia̅i
∀ i= 1, 2,..., m = 0̅, when all ci's are zero. then
( a̅1, a̅2, ..., a̅m) are linearly independent vectors.
Linearly dependent vectors-
If ∑cia̅i ∀ i= 1, 2,..., m = 0̅, for some ci's may be zero, then
( a̅1, a̅2, ..., a̅m) are linearly dependent vectors.
Sub-matrix- A matrix obtained from a matrix, by omitting rows and columns.
Rank of a matrix- The maximum number of linearly independent row vectors of a matrix
A = [ajk] is called the rank of A or (rank A).
Nullity of a matrix- If A is a square matrix of order n then nullity of matrix A,
N(A) = n - rank A.
Some related theorems:
The n-order determinant of a square matrix A = [aij] of order n, is a number,
det. A = |A| = | aij |
= aj1cj1 + … + ajncjn , j = 1,2,… or n
= a1kc1k + … + ankcnk , k = 1,2,… or n
where, cjk = (-1)j+k Mjk
= Co-factor of aik in |A|
and, mjk = Determinant of order (n - 1), obtained by deleting the rows and columns of entry ajk
(i.e., j-th row and k-th column).
= minor of ajk in |A|.
det A = ± volume of the n-dimensional parallelopiped spanned by the column (or row) vectors of A.
Some properties of Determinants: Let A be a determinant of order n.
a11x1 + a12x2 + … + a1nxn = b1
a21x1 + a22x2 + … + a2nxn = b2
am1x1 + am2x2 + … + amnxn = bm
here aij are called coefficients(which are given numbers)
- If all bj (j = 1, 2, ..., m) are zero then homogeneous system.
- If atleast one bj (j = 1, 2, ..., m) is not zero then non-homogeneous.
- Solution- set of numbers x1, x2, …, xn which satisfies all m- equations.
- Solution vector- Ordered Set of numbers [x1, x2, …, xn] which satisfies all m- equations.
- If the above is homogeneous system, then it has atleast one trivial solution.
Rank of Matrix: Linear Independence and Dependence
Let a̅1, a̅2, ..., a̅m are m- vectors, then
Linear combination of m-vectors:
c1a̅1 + c2a̅2 + … + cma̅m = ∑cia̅i ∀ i= 1, 2,..., m
where, c1, c2, ..., cm are any scalars.
Linearly independent vectors- If ∑cia̅i
∀ i= 1, 2,..., m = 0̅, when all ci's are zero. then
( a̅1, a̅2, ..., a̅m) are linearly independent vectors.
Linearly dependent vectors-
If ∑cia̅i ∀ i= 1, 2,..., m = 0̅, for some ci's may be zero, then
( a̅1, a̅2, ..., a̅m) are linearly dependent vectors.
Sub-matrix- A matrix obtained from a matrix, by omitting rows and columns.
Rank of a matrix- The maximum number of linearly independent row vectors of a matrix
A = [ajk] is called the rank of A or (rank A).
Nullity of a matrix- If A is a square matrix of order n then nullity of matrix A,
N(A) = n - rank A.
Some related theorems:
- The rank of a matrix A equals the maximum number of linearly independent columns vectors of A.
- Matrix A and its transpose AT have same rank.
- Row-equivalent matrix have the same rank.
- Rank of the product of two matrices cannot exceed the rank of either factor.
The n-order determinant of a square matrix A = [aij] of order n, is a number,
det. A = |A| = | aij |
= aj1cj1 + … + ajncjn , j = 1,2,… or n
= a1kc1k + … + ankcnk , k = 1,2,… or n
where, cjk = (-1)j+k Mjk
= Co-factor of aik in |A|
and, mjk = Determinant of order (n - 1), obtained by deleting the rows and columns of entry ajk
(i.e., j-th row and k-th column).
= minor of ajk in |A|.
det A = ± volume of the n-dimensional parallelopiped spanned by the column (or row) vectors of A.
Some properties of Determinants: Let A be a determinant of order n.
- det AT= det A
- |AB| = |A| |B|
- det A-1= 1/det A
- det I = 1
- det (xA) = xndet A
- det A = λ1 . . . λn = product of eigen values.
- If all elements of a row (or column) are multiplied by constant k, then determinant is multiplied by k.
- Exchange of two rows (or columns) change the sign of the determinant.
- Determinant does not change if one row (or columns) multiplied by a constant is added to another row (or column)
- Determinant equals to zero, if
(a) All elements of a row (column) are zero, or
(d) Two rows (columns) coincide.
Rank of a matrix in terms of determinant- An m × n matrix A = [aij] has rank r ≥ 1 iff A has r × r sub matrix with non-zero determinant.
If A is square matrix of order n, its rank is a iff det A ≠ 0.
Cramer's Theorem (Solution of linear system by determinants):
(a) If a linear system of n-equations has the same number of unknowns x1 , . . . , xn
a11x1 + a12x2 + … + a1nxn = b1
a21x1 + a22x2 + … + a2nxn = b2
an1x1 + an2x2 + … + annxn = bn
(a) If a linear system of n-equations has the same number of unknowns x1 , . . . , xn
a11x1 + a12x2 + … + a1nxn = b1
a21x1 + a22x2 + … + a2nxn = b2
an1x1 + an2x2 + … + annxn = bn
⇔ A̅ x̅ = b̅
has a non-zero coefficient determinant D = det A, the system has precisely one solution. This solution is given by the formulas
x1 = D1/D , x2 = D2/D, . . . , xn = Dn/D (Cramer's Rule)
where Dk is the determinant obtained from D by replacing in D the k-th column by the column with entries b1 , . . . , bn
If the system is homogeneous and D ≠ 0, then it has only the trivial solution x1 = 0 , . . . , xn = 0.
If D = 0, the homogenoeous system also hace non-trivial solutions.
has a non-zero coefficient determinant D = det A, the system has precisely one solution. This solution is given by the formulas
x1 = D1/D , x2 = D2/D, . . . , xn = Dn/D (Cramer's Rule)
where Dk is the determinant obtained from D by replacing in D the k-th column by the column with entries b1 , . . . , bn
If the system is homogeneous and D ≠ 0, then it has only the trivial solution x1 = 0 , . . . , xn = 0.
If D = 0, the homogenoeous system also hace non-trivial solutions.
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