Friday 18 October 2013

Examples of Subgroups

Examples 1: The set  of all integers is a subgroup of the set of rational numbers under the operation of addition.
Sol: Since    and  ≠ Φ where <, +> is a group.
         Also <, +> forms a group.
         ⇒ <, +> is a subgroup of group <, +>.
Example 2: A subset H of a group G is a subgroup if and only if
   (i) H is closed under the operation on G.                        That is, if a, b  H,then a, b  H,
   (ii)  H,
  (iii) H is closed under the taking of inverses.                   That is, if a, b  H, then a-1 H.
Proof: The left implication follows directly from the group axioms and the definition of subgroup. 
For the right implication, we have to verify each group axiom for H
Firstly, since H is closed, it is a binary structure, as required, and as mentioned, H inherits associativity from G. In addition, H has the identity element and inverses, 
so H is a group, and we are done.
There is, however, a more effective method. Each of the three criteria listed above can be condensed into a single one.

Example 3:  Let G be a group. Then a subset H  G is a subgroup is and only if a, b   ab-1 H.

Proof: Again, the left implication is immediate. 
For the right implication, we have to verify the (i)-(iii) in the previous theorem. 
First, assume ∈ H. 
Then, letting b = a, we obtain aa-1 = e ∈ H, taking care of (ii). 
Now, since e, a ∈ H we have
                                     ea-1 = a-1 ∈ H 
so H is closed under taking of inverses, satisfying (iii). 
Lastly, assume a, b  H
Then, since b-1∈ H, we obtain
                                    a(b-1)-1 = ab ∈ H, 
so H is closed under the operation of G, satisfying (i), and we are done.
All right, so now we know how to recognize a subgroup when we are presented with one. Let's take a look at how to find subgroups of a given group. The next theorem essentially solves this problem.

Example 4:  Let G be a group and  G. Then the subset {gn | n    is a subgroup of G, denoted <g> and called the subgroup generated by g. In addition, this is the smallestsubgroup containing g in the sense that if H is a subgroup and  H, then <g> ≤ H.

Proof: First we prove that <g> is a subgroup. 
To see this, note that if h, k  H, then there exists integers n, m   
such that h = gn , k = g m .
Then, we observe that hk-1 = gng-m = gn-m  <g>
 since n – m ∈ ℤ,
so <g> is a subgroup of G, as claimed.
To show that it is the smallest subgroup containing g,
observe that if H is a subgroup containing g, then by closure under products and inverses, gn∈ H  for all n ∈ G.
In other words, <g>H .
Then automatically <g> ≤ H since <g> is a subgroup of G.

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